Version 2 – Aug 23rd- 2024
Thank you for entering the event
These instructions supplement – but do not replace the ‘Rules of the events, What to bring, Terms and conditions‘ that you agreed to when you entered.
Under 18 years Consent Form
For under 18’s or their parent or guardian – Please download the form and fill it in. The form must be signed by the under 18’s parent or guardian and handed in on arrival when you receive your number .
Have the form ready when you enter the car park.
GPX Downloads
Full Boar (43 miles)
Hog (38 miles)
Woody & Hog (37 miles)
Verson 2 – updated 27 Aug 2024 12:00 (minor correction)
Small Boar (22 miles)
2024 Wild Boar Chase Entry List
Before you travel please follow the instructions below:
- Please look at the entry list .
- Write down your rider number in large numbers on a sheet of A4 paper. Bring this with you!.
- If you also entered someone else, please advise them of their rider number as we do not have their email address. Please refer them to this page for instructions.
- Have the sheet with your number ready when you enter the car park.
Just to repeat the above, the entry list with rider numbers are on this web page:
Bio security
Please can all Wild Boar Chase and Humbug Chase riders follow Forestry England guidance to avoid spreading plant diseases in our forests.
- Please arrive with clean bikes and gear.
- Please clean bikes and gear after the event before using again.
When you arrive.
- Follow the signs in the car park. If there is a queue, please stay in your car and wait.
- When you reach the head of the queue STOP.
- Stay in the car and hold up the sheet to the window to enable us to read your rider number.
- We will hand you your rider number plate and you will deemed to be signed on.
- Repeat this for all riders in the car.
- Finally, hand us any under 18 consent forms or Humbug consent forms.
- You may then drive into the car park.
- Park as directed by the Stewards
Signing On
You will deem to be signed on when you are given your rider number. This will done as described above.
- By signing on you agree to the rules of the event.
- All riders signing on will be issued with a rider number to attach to their bike handlebars as described above.
- Once you have parked, pick up 3 cable ties to attach the rider number to your handlebars.
- A map of the routes will be available for those who want one..
Printed Route Maps and Cable Ties
Printed route maps with instructions and phone numbers and other information and cable ties will be available outside the reception tent after you have parked your car. These will show the various routes and the location of the Marshal points.
Parking Location
Parking will be in the Speech House field. The car park entrance is on the B 4226 Coleford to Cinderford Road. See Map below. Parking is FREE.
The address of the start location is:
Speech House Field,
The Speech House Hotel,
GL16 7EL
Start Location
The start will be near where you receive your number. Please see the map above. There will be a start – finish arch.
Start Procedure
The event will start at 10:00 a.m.
We aim to get you all underway by 10:30 a.m.
As there is no Mass Start you may proceed to the Assembly Area (see map above) as soon as you are ready after 9:50 a.m.
There will be three lines of riders with a scanner at the head of each to set you off. Ride up to the scanner operator – STOP-move off when indicated to do so by the scanner operator.
We aim to start riders by scanning their rider numbers 3 at a time at approx. 9 second intervals, so please judge your arrival in the assembly area by the number of riders waiting. Timing does not start until your number is scanned at the start.
Changes to Category entered
You may change the Category (distance) that you entered, you do not need to tell us. Your original category will show on the times.
The Route
We will mark crucial junctions as follows:
A yellow direction marking in the form of a paint-sprayed yellow arrow on the ground – ride in the direction of the arrow. (The paint we use is bio-degradable).
A direction arrow (example below) – ride in the direction in which the arrow points.
Pink Flags – ride along the track on which you see the flag
Please note; the white arrows and white flags are for the Humbug Chase and can be ignored. Follow the yellow arrows, pink flags and signs as per above
The pink flags will mostly be apprx. 400mm above ground level.
Marshal Points
Marshal points are numbered P1 to P35.
There may not be a Marshal at every point but at significant road crossings or junctions there will generally be a marshal in a high viz jacket.
For safety purposes only, there will be ‘passage controls’ on the route. There will be one control per route. Stop at the control for your number to be scanned
There will also be a control at the FINISH where your bar code will be scanned. This will record your time and show us who is still out on the route
Please make sure you are scanned at the Finish even if you retire.
Beware of traffic, road crossings, free roaming sheep, deer, wild boar, walkers, dog walkers, horse riders, other cyclists, tree roots and tree stumps, loose rocks, stones etc. Riders are advised to carry a charged mobile phone.
We advise you to load the what3words app onto your phone to enable you to be located easily in the event of an emergency.
Parts of the course pass near settlements so please be courteous to our locals – we have to live with them all year! and want to be able to offer you another Wild Boar Chase next year.
Hazards and Descents
A steep descent or sudden drop is ahead. Slow down and be prepared
A hazard is ahead, slow down and be prepared.
Hazard warning signs along the route are shown on the above. These warn of particular steep descents or hazards such as large roots or rocks, pot holes loose gravel and closed Forestry Commission barriers.
However not all hazards will be marked and riders must ride within their own capabilities.
On downhill single track sections give the rider in front space and time if you are riding in a close group of riders.
Gates and Barriers
All routes pass through gates and through or around barriers.
Roads and road crossings
There will be roads to join and/or cross on the route.
We will pre-warn riders of an approaching crossing with the following sign:
Cyclists are to follow the highway code when joining , crossing or using public roads..
Marshals and Cut Off time
The organising team, all Marshals and helpers are volunteers and some will be in position for many hours. Depending on the position on the route, most Marshals will stand down at 16:30 or earlier.
Please show your appreciation of the Marshalls as you pass them.
Course Closing Rider
Our Course Closing Rider will leave 10 minutes after the last rider leaves the start and sweep the course slowly.
The closing rider will pass cyclists who are walking and those cyclists will then need to follow their maps and the yellow paint arrows back to the finish.
The Finish
The Finish will be back on the Speech House field.
Riders will be funnelled into single file and bar codes will be scanned by the finish crew.
Please ensure that your bar code is scanned by the finish crew in the order that you finish.
The Wild Boar Chase is a RELIABILITY RIDE not a race.
However, for personal interest only, we will time the riders around the route. Times will be posted at the finish as soon as they are available.
Catering / Food / Water
Remember to bring along a filled water bottle. You can top it up at water stations on the route.
Food and drinks will be on sale on the Speech House field from 08:00 onwards.
There will also be a feed station and water station on the Small Boar, the Full Boar and The Hog.
PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD WRAPPERS IN THE FOREST. Free Bananas will be available as well.
On the route – water and some snacks will be free but you as above may wish to carry a small amount of money for coffee, snacks etc.
Coffee and tea will be on sale all day at the Speech House Hotel.
On the Speech House Field: There will be toilets on the field. Please note their location on the map.
On the Route: At Speculation (P7)
T Shirts
If you have ordered a T-Shirt, please pick it up from the T-Shirt desk after you have parked your car. Please bring your rider number to the desk. If you do not pick it up on the event we will need to ask you for the postage cost.
In case of emergency contact the nearest Marshal or call:
Hugh on 0797 625 9730
Nigel on 07714 640 306
Alan on 07443 847 916
If necessary call the emergency services on 112.
We will have First Aid cover at the event HQ.
If your bike breaks down, we can recover it and bring it back to the event car park. Phone as above.
Thank you for entering the Wild Boar Chase. The event is organised by the Lions Clubs of the Forest of Dean with assistance and advice from the Royal Dean Forest Cycling Club. After we’ve paid all the fees, everything goes to local good causes here in the Forest of Dean. All organisers and helpers are volunteers